Hallo Rick,

On Sat, 2 Jun 2007 22:25:57 -0400GMT (3-6-2007, 4:25 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RG> Ouch! I know you don't care for folder templates ...

Wrong. I like folder templates. I use several of them. I just don't
hardcode the addressee in them.

RG> If it has been not working as stated for several versions and we
RG> have become used to it, it still doesn't make it "as designed" or
RG> correct.

If something isn't working correct then it's a bug an needs to be
changed, but this isn't a bug. You're misinterpreting what TB does.

RG> If I clicked on "Write a message to this address" on your email I
RG> would expect it to override and let me send it to YOU ... I mean
RG> what does "Write a message to this address" mean?

Okay, let's check what your action does.
You're creating a new message, in this case to me.
TB thinks: Wow! A new message, I need a template. Let's check for one.
Personal address template for Roelof? No.
Group address template for Roelof and some other blokes? No.
Folder template? Yes, let's execute it.
Hey, a macro: %To="", well let's empty the To: header.
Another macro: %To="listaddress", wow, I've got an addressee.
And so your template does what you told it to do, not quite what you
want it to do in this case or what you expected it to do, but it works
as designed.

All macros in your folder template will be executed, whether you've
entered an addressee or not. Therefore I said that your expectations
were wrong.

Groetjes, Roelof

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