I  wish  for  an  Incoming  filter option with that I could change the
Subject, i.e. add a word before the actual subject. Maybe there should
be  a  condition  also: add the word if the word is not in the subject
yet.  Also,  use  a  counter  that  is increased every time the filter

Uses, e.g.:
- mark specific messages with the [SPAM] word if I dont want to use
a spamfilter just I would like to use my own simple filters

- mark specific messages with the [PRIVATE] word if it is not about

-   mark   messages  with  [SALE-0001],  [SALE-0002]  or  [CASE-1000],
[CASE-1001]  etc.  where the word "SALE" is used along with a counter.
The  digit  number,  the counter and the separator character should be
set to anywhere by the user at the filter screen.

- also, this filter should be able to be manually fired, i.e. if it
came thru the filter, but I would like to change the subject, I could
do that.

Or  do  you  see  any solution how it could be done? I have processing
filters  (fired  up  by  a filter, take the body of the message and do
something with it EXTERNALLY, e.g. extracting info into a file, etc.),
but  I  am  in  the need to modify the subjects... The only solution I
see:  when  the  filter is fired, extract the mail into MSG, trigger a
processing program with some parameter (setup file name, that contains
the word, the separator, the digits and the counter) and use a command
line  parameter  in  that  program  to force TB to import the modified
file.  Brave  enough  people can even move the original mail into some
"Processed mail" folder in their account.


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