>> I  wish  for  an  Incoming  filter option with that I could change the
>> Subject, i.e. add a word before the actual subject. Maybe there should
>> be  a  condition  also: add the word if the word is not in the subject
>> yet.  Also,  use  a  counter  that  is increased every time the filter
>> fired.
>> Uses, e.g.:
>> - mark specific messages with the [SPAM] word if I dont want to use
>> a spamfilter just I would like to use my own simple filters
>> - mark specific messages with the [PRIVATE] word if it is not about
>> business
>> -   mark   messages  with  [SALE-0001],  [SALE-0002]  or  [CASE-1000],
>> [CASE-1001]  etc.  where the word "SALE" is used along with a counter.
>> The  digit  number,  the counter and the separator character should be
>> set to anywhere by the user at the filter screen.
> How it is different from organizing messages into folders?


1. I dont have to click here and there to open up folders.

2.  Counters/Reference ID could be applied to messages. So follow up a
case,  instead of using threading, this reference could be used. Also,
when  talking  over the phone, simply referencing the ID identifies an
item. I am talking about business conversation, not private here. For
private, you are absolutely right, folders are enough.


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