Dear Max,

@20-Aug-2007, 20:58 +0300 (20-Aug 18:58 here) Maxim Masiutin [M] in


... <snip>
M> [-] Hotkeys from the menu of the Main Window of The Bat! did't
M> work in other windows when the Main Window was inactive

Still working fine for me.

What is still not working *at all* is the "Create new message" filter
action. I didn't get any confirm or deny responses when I mentioned
this a couple of days ago and it is starting to become quite a problem
for me.

Let me lay it out in full...

I have a bank of filters that respond to web forms in a non-primary
account. For example, a software downloader fills in a web response
form. A filter picks this up (the filter triggers just fine and is
logged as doing so). The "Mark as read" action (#1) and "Move to
folder (trash)" action (#3) are performed. The "Create message" (to
myself) action (#2) does nothing. The create message simply refers to
a QT in the account QTs to do the message formatting.

This filter hasn't been changed in - ooh, I don't know - at least 4
years and worked until June. I suppose it could be Vista related -
that's when I migrated to my new vista laptop.

This is a severe problem to me since I rely on these filters to
maintain contact lists and web query responses for BrainStorm.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.99.18 (BETA) on Windows Vista 6.0.6000 

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