Hello Thomas,

> A wish that I would like to bring forward again in these busy times of
> creating the best The Bat! there ever was:
> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=3319

I thought I had added a comment to your wish when you opened it but it
looks like I didn't. So, I will make some comments here and now.

At first sight your suggestion looks as a nice and reasonable one. I
don't know how "your system" could affect the 'filter engine', that's
for developers to say. But I do see (based on my own filter set up and
experience) some possible drawbacks that I will try to describe briefly.

While it is probably true that most of us use and have a number of
Incoming and Outgoing filters that 'seem equal' and therefore
'duplicated', it may not be true in many other cases.

I'm sure many of us have a number of filters checking on From: in
Incoming filters and on To: in Outgoing, and having a single filter for
Incoming and Outgoing and filtering on "From: .OR. To:" may not be
exactly the same. A simple example:

I receive email from, and write to, A and B. So I could have two
'consolidated' filters like:

- If From: A .OR. To: A, move to folder A.
- If From: B .OR. To: B, move to folder B.

And now assume A writes to B and just CCes me. Where would this message
end up? And where if it is B who writes to A and CCes me?

And now assume you change the order of your filters.

- If From: B .OR. To: B, move to folder B.
- If From: A .OR. To: A, move to folder A.

Where would the two messages mentioned above end up? Tricky, isn't it?
And I'm just talking about two filters, things could complicate a bit
more when using tens or hundred of filters even if you add .ANDs. and
.NOTs. to filter conditions.

Aside of that, although many Incoming and Outgoing filters are (or seem)
the same, maybe the desired order of processing is not. How would you
solve that?

Anyway, your suggestion may still be good for Incoming and Outgoing, but
I don't see it at all for Read and Replied filters which, in my case, I
use a lot. Aside of the fact that both Read and Replied have a folder(s)
selection to which they apply, while Incoming and Outgoing don't have,
at least in my case I can't find more than just a few Read or Replied
filters that may look like as 'duplicate' of an Incoming or Outgoing

What would be the advantage of "your system" in this case? I think that
it would just make the (only) list of filters much longer and, for me,
prone to confusion. I'm sure that at least those of us who use a large
number of filters of each type would end up desperately asking the
developers to implement Sorting Office _tabs_ so we could select to view
only Incoming, or Read, etc. Don't you think? :-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.0.6 (ALPHA) on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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