Hello All,

In all 4.0.0.* versions, TB opens with my folder tree in its upmost position
and  a  vertical  scroll bar is in position. If I double click on the scroll
bar  and  slide  it upwards all is OK. But if I click in the space above the
scroll bar the tree moves OK but I get an AV as shown in the attached 'scroll
bar AV.jpg' file. Clicking on OK sends the AV away. Thus there is a bug and a
nuisance but not a serious one.

Any confirmations?

The short-cut keys Ctrl+Home also work OK.

Best regards,                  
The Bat! v4.0.0.11 (ALPHA) with AntiSpamSniper,
on Windows XP, version 5 1, build 2600 and Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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