Hello Marek,

>>>> If you are doing a Save (Ctrl+S), which doesn't close the editor
>>>> window, then it is normal to not get confirmation. That's the way 
>>>> 3.99.29 does it too.
>> First of all I must correct myself. Save (Ctrl+S) does nothing, it does 
>> not save the message in Outbox as I thought it did similarly to 
>> Auto-save. But this is the behaviour in 3.99.29 as I have just 
>> confirmed.
> no, try to type name of rescipient to TO header and save it via Ctrl+S,
> empty message with empty subject will be saved.

And isn't it parked?

Anyway, I insist. Ctrl+S does nothing here, even doing as you say.

> or if it is by design now, option name "Saving a message with empty
> subject" should be changed ;-)


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.0.19 (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2

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