Hi Kertész,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 9:35:38 PM, you wrote:
>> I am sure most or all people here understand your deadlines and
>> admire what you do accomplish.

> Come on man, if we are not critical, who will be????? 
 One way of supporting RitLabs is to examine the alpha/beta very 
carefully!  That is different than saying to the RitLabs team 
something very critical, like "Why don't you fix bug #123B by 
midnight, you dumb klutz?"

> This American style "good job, good job" will not move things
> forward. Ritlabs guys are tough, they can handle honesty.

Hey, you are not talking to George Bush, you know.  He says "good 
job" even when his people do a bad job!

One can be honest and yet also recognize that the RitLabs team members
do have deadlines and are working very hard. N'est ce pas?

>>>   Now, you can start throwing tomatoes.
>> I don't think throwing tomatoes would help you or Rit Labs or the
>> customers.

> It is not about throwing tomatoes. It is about saying out if we think
> this is NOT a release version.  
  I agree with you completely!
  I must say, I enjoyed your note, really.

Take Care,



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