
In reply to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

MM> The Bat! is available at
MM> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/thebat_pro_4-0-0-22.msi
MM> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/thebat_home_4-0-0-22.msi
MM> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/intpack_4-0-0-22.msi
MM> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/thebat_rus_4-0-0-22.msi

MM> Please  note  the New MicroEd features (related to 4.0 in general,
MM> not particularly
MM>       - UNICODE support
MM>       - using of all fonts available
MM>       - possibility to use different fonts for different elements
MM>       - system-wide drag-and-drop
MM>       - Redo function
MM>       - Multiple selections
MM>       - spell checking for multiple languages at once
MM>       - improved search and replace functionality
MM>       - message signature highlighting
MM>       - line sorting (Ctrl+K S when a [column] selection is available)

view modes aren't working correctly. I've reported this since
version .20

I  have  a  tab  named "reference threaded" that threads by reference.
When  I  have  it  selected and change to another folder and then come
back to the tab is still selected but the view is threaded by subject.

Please  see  my msg under the subject "Re: 4.0 news". Since I'm using
Gmail I'm not sure if the msgid <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is valid.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

The future is a convienient place for dreams- A. France

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