Hello Ian,

>>> I have attached a folder listing of the The Bat! program folder.
M>> Can you attach (or send by PM) the listing of Speller and Dictionaries
M>> directories?
M>> Also, can you export and attach this Registry key?
M>> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\SpellCheck
> Here are the files.

OK, here I am. I'll try to respond to your different issues in this and 
other threads.

First of all I must say that I didn't find anything that I can say *is 
wrong*. Specially in regards to dictionaries, your registry entries do 
match the dictionaries you have in the Speller directory.

However, there are a number of things that make me wonder how you have 
been doing upgrades along the years. For example:

  - In Speller directory I see dictionaries with dates as old as 1996
  and then for many different years up to 2008. While all of mine (from
  the last IntPack) are dated 29/08/2007, except the user ones which 
  may have been updated by the program (my userdic.tlx is dated 
  - Your 'readme.txt' file (which contains the list of changes since the
  very first release and which hardly anybody reads, BTW) in The Bat!
  directory is dated 14/10/2007 while, if you had installed 4.0.14
  "correctly" is should be dated 06/02/2008 or so. Have you had a look
  at it? If so, its contents should start with:
  ,----- [  ]
  | The Bat!
  | Copyright (C) 1997-2008 RITLABS S.R.L.
  | Version 4.0
  | What's new in The Bat! 4.0 (comparing to v3.99.25)?
  Also, your 'licence_pro.rtf' file should have the same date.
Now, before telling you what I would suggest you do now, I'll tell you 
how I go about upgrades to newer versions and, specially, about Beta 

Look at my program dir attached and notice the dates. I always try to 
keep it 'as clean' as possible. What I do is:

  - For new versions with an MSI installation file, I do a Custom 
  install and only install the Core files (no languages or 
  dictionaries). This way I have the UI in English, the only one I use, 
  and only the AM (SSCE American English) dictionary, which is installed 
  by default along with 'accent.tlx', 'correct.tlx' and 'UserDic.TLX' 
  user dictionaries.
  - If, for testing or any other reason, I want to install dictionaries 
  for other language(s) I 'install' the latest International pack in a 
  *temp* directory and from there I copy the desired language 
  dictionaries to the Speller directory. The next time TB is executed 
  will create the corresponding Registry entries. Similarly if I want 
  to remove a language I don't use.
  - For Beta versions from *.rar files, I extract then to a temp dir,
  rename them to include the version number, *copy* them to the TB
  directory and then create a shortcut in my desktop. You can see this 
  in attachment. This way I can easily switch versions for testing, and 
  always have the last 'release' version (thebat.exe) available without 
  needing to reinstall it.
  - You will also notice that I have a 'Disabled' directory. This is 
  where I Move anything I want to remove from The Bat! directory before 
  actually deleting (even to the recycle bin).
Now, what I would do if I was you is:

  - First of all make a back up copy of your complete MAIL directory. 
  Not a backup with TB, copy the whole tree somewhere else or ZIP it up.
  - Make a copy of of your 'user' dictionaries in Speller if you have 
  added any words to them.
  - In another thread you say that your 'Add or Remove programs' in your
  Control Panel shows two different installations (3.99.29 and 4.0.14),
  which also makes me wonder how you have gone about upgrades.
     - Try to uninstall 4.0.14 using the 'Uninstall' option. This should
     remove program files only, but not used data (messages, address
     books, configurations files).
     - Then, if v3.99.29 still shows in 'Add Remove programs' try to
     uninstall it also. If it doesn't work or gives you some error and
     it isn't removed from 'Add Remove programs', try the 'Windows
     Installer CleanUp Utility' suggested in
     <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     - If your 'The Bat' directory is still there and it is not 
     completely 'clean', delete it.
     - Although I don't think it is absolutely necessary, delete your
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT key. You may want to export it and 
     save it for a 'just in case' of for 'reference'.
Finally, I would suggest a new installation of 4.0.14 (if you haven't, 
download download the MSI for pro AND the International Pack.

  - Do a 'Custom' installation as I explain above and only install 
  Core. This will give you the English GUI and the American English 
  dictionary to test if the speller (SSCE engine) works.
  - During installation, select the home mail directory to where ever 
  you have it.
  - If asked to create an account, do so with a name you haven't used 
  before. You can delete it afterwards.
  - Once installed, open TB and _create_ new accounts with the same
  names you had before. TB will see the corresponding folders and files
  in your MAIL directory and you will not need to configure them.
Once set up, or even just after creating your first account if you have 
more than one, open Editor and verify if spell checking works (with 
SSCE American English) which is the only one installed.

If it works, you can proceed to create the rest of your accounts;
to replace users dictionaries with the ones you saved if needed; 
install International Pack in a temp directory (as I explain above) and 
'add' other languages you may need or want.

Sorry for making you wait, but this was a long message and I wanted to
make it clear enough and not forget anything.

And, if this all doesn't work... I will give up and you will not owe me
a beer :)
Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.14.2 on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2
 El volumen de la unidad C es Sistema
 El numero de serie del volumen es: ECF8-AA3B

 Directorio de C:\Archivos de programa\The Bat!

17/02/2008  12:41    <DIR>          .
17/02/2008  12:41    <DIR>          ..
15/05/2005  03:43             1.786 batskin.xml
15/02/2008  16:22    <DIR>          Dictionaries
15/02/2008  16:23    <DIR>          Disabled
08/02/2008  19:13           274.432 hunspell.dll
12/02/2008  00:08    <DIR>          Images
29/08/2007  20:05             4.501 licence.txt
06/02/2008  16:57             4.875 licence_pro.rtf
05/05/2005  20:33           122.088 my_new_icons.png
06/02/2008  21:54           207.715 readme.txt
04/04/2007  00:55    <DIR>          ServersInfo
15/02/2008  12:36    <DIR>          Speller
08/02/2008  19:13           135.168 SSCE5532.dll
08/02/2008  19:13           102.648 TBMapi.dll
12/02/2008  00:23         6.484.328 thebat.exe
29/08/2007  20:07            14.639 thebat.tip
31/10/2007  16:18        11.954.536 thebat39929.exe
14/02/2008  21:05         6.490.984 thebat40141.exe
15/02/2008  22:29         6.495.592 thebat40142.exe
02/02/2008  21:16         1.131.330 The_bat.chm
30/09/2006  00:44               159 txt2html.regexps
              16 archivos     33.424.781 bytes
               7 dirs  57.158.840.320 bytes libres
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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