Hello Vili,


On Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 5:56:32 PM Vili [V] wrote:

V> My  advice  would  be: please DONT use Unicode. That uses two bytes to
V> show e.g. a letter "a" instead of one.

Just to clarify this: Unicode != UTF-8! That's an important

Unicode is a character table that is capable of containing more than
the usual 8-bit char tables.

UTF-8 is an *ENCODING* of these characters. In short: UTF-8 says which
position in the Unicode-table the character is at. UTF-8 uses 8 bit
for standard ISO-8859 characters and 16 bit for "special" characters
(like e.g. German umlauts).

V> The world has chosen it because of laziness. Instead of sending the
V> charset and then a charcodes, people send a lot of byte 0 nowadays.

*ONLY* when using e.g. UTF-16 (or UCS-2) as character *encoding*.

So to sum up: albeit "Unicode" might be used as character set it's
not necessarily the case that 2 bytes get transferred, because the
*encoding* can make use of (only) 1 byte to _transfer_ the
Peter Palmreuther

(The Bat! v4.0.18.6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2)

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