[Reply to: »Peter Meyns« · 2009-03-24 · 18:22 h (CET)]

Moin, Peter!

>> I do not think that the solution mentioned above is enough, because
>> it only works with the Rich Text Viewer. But my favourite viewer is
>> the Plain Text Viewer.

> As Francis stated, plain text is _plain text_, and that's what it
> should be. For example, I sometimes have to switch to PTV to view a
> script that contains asterisks or underscores, and I need to see it
> _plain_, in no way altered.

Okay, that is a valid point. :-)

But there are some reasons, why I do not want to use the RTV, e.g.:

- <https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=6937>

- For the solution, which Francis mentioned, graphical icons for
  smileys in RTV have to enabled, but I *hate* these ones. ;-)

> So please don't allow the PTV to show anything else than *plain
> text*.

As I am a friend of optional features in several (or most?) cases, it
maybe would be a compromise to have a checkbox for this feature like
for graphical emoticons:

- Options|Preferences…|Viewer/E. [x] Use Smiley icons in HTML viewer

  ==> [x] Use *bold*, /italic/, _underline_, -strikethrough- with real

Just a suggestion … :-)


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