On Tue, 9 Jun 2009 11:34:26 -0400, Gleason Pace wrote:

>Certainly those hopefuls are having too much fun to 
>allow themselves to be run off.

In a way it is funny indeed, because everything is so 

Release 4.1 was an unpleasant surprise for many users, 
because they were, suddenly & without warning, reduced to
"unregistered" status. V. 4.1, in hindsight, also needed 
"important bugfixes", which led to:

Release 4.2, which has above mentioned "important bugfixes", but
also, amongst other symptoms, Postponed Sending, messed-up Tips-
Of-The-Day and broken OTFE.

This is specifically funny for seasoned TB! users, because they 
know these cock-ups are not merely incidental accidents, but an
integral and important part of Ritlabs' software release history.
For example, almost 5 years ago I tried to install an early 3.x
release version which had some inferior Bayesian plug-in
(Bayes-It!) integrated. The result of those attempts: Access
Violations all over the place and a plug-in that resisted
uninstallment at all cost.

This is just a single example. Soon after this disaster I gave up
on TB! and since then I only use it for archiving purposes.

Believe me. I've been on TBUDL and TBBETA since version 1.4x and it
has always been like this (and I guarantee you it will always be
like this). Nothing surprises me anymore.Each new Ritlabs blunder
just fills me with mild amusement. Otherwise I couldn't care less.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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