On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, at 15:51:25 [GMT +0200] (which was 15:51 where I
live) Alto Speckhardt wrote:

HMdB>> Can't confirm. I do not experience any problems using GPG 1.4.10 svn
HMdB>> 5042.

> If I may cut in for a moment - where do you get your public keys for 
> signature checking? Do you only check known contacts or do you access 
> a key server? Could you recomend some servers that are worth trying?

Sorry for not having replied sooner but I have been out of the country
for a while.

I have this in my gpg.conf:
keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk M. de Bruijn
The Bat! Natural Email System 4.2.6 on Microsoft® Windows Vista™
Home Premium Versie 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001 64 bit
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz, 2333 MHz,4 core('s),4 logic 
AntispamSniper for The Bat! Pro

Attachment: pgpIT0L39Ul3Q.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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