Tuesday, January 21, 2003, 1:16:00 PM, you wrote:

> What I am finding instead is that if I return a one from
> TBP_NeedConfig() then TBP_Setup() is called immediately as part of the
> process of loading the plugin. If TBP_Setup() returns a zero then all
> is well and the rest of the loading process continues... except that
> Configure button is never enabled.

> If, however, I return a one from TBP_Setup() during the plugin load
> process then the load is aborted (a DLL_PROCESS_DETACH message is
> issued to the plugin), and the plugin never gets to the TBP_GetName()
> process.

Yes, I noticed this exact same behavior in a previous post.  I assume
it is just a bug in the way TB handles the initial Setup call because
it is called when you initially add the plugin.


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