Hello TBDEV.

..Can anybody explain me the context and interface for the functions
in a plugin (well, I try to guess something myself):

function TBP_GetStatus: Integer; stdcall;
function TBP_NeedConfig: Integer; stdcall;
function TBP_NeedCOM: Integer; stdcall;
function TBP_Setup: Integer; stdcall;
  ...So, here do my questions begin: what is the meaning of every of this
  functions? As I guess it must return "zero" if all is right. How
  other results are interpreted? Just as "non-zero", or an exact
  value is also important? And also what is the algorithm when The
  Bat! receives, for example "TBP_NeedConfig=0"? Does it mean that in this case the
  "TBP_Setup" will be called as the next function?

  :        /+--\                         :
  :       / |   )  A L E X E Y           :
  :      /--|--(                         :
  :     /   |   )  V I N O G R A D O V   :
  :   -/-   +--/                         :


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