
Thursday, February 13, 2003, 4:59:33 PM, you wrote:

PP> As I stated, my comments are based on the AV API.

And excellent educated guesses, too.

>> It's actually the other way around... return 0 if there's no
>> configuration option, return non-zero if you *do* provide one.
PP> If is it so, than the TBP API is different.

This is the one case where the boolean return value makes sense to me
- return a zero (false) if you don't support a configuration option,
return a nonzero (true) if you do.

PP> Very old bug. Don't hold your breath. :)

<sigh> Actually, I'd be satisfied if TBP_NeedConfig() would just
enable the Configure button...

PP> Anyway, a lack of proper documentation of API is a pet peeve of mine.

Or, in this case, a lack of *any* real documentation. Stefan - I take
it that the API we're working with here is also going to be valid when
the fabled 2.0 release finally rears its head?

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

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