Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  Hi, i'm working in a regular expresions (regex's) filter in vampire,
  i use the freeware TRegExpr, avalaible in

  The regex's are complete new for me. I discover it today :-) and i
  have the nexts questions.

  To procces the texts of the mails in vampire, i use first the
  uppercase function (i.e: uppercase(GooGLe) = GOOGLE), my questions

  - what happened if i applied uppercase function to a regular
  expression. ¿it's will work fine?
  - ¿what is better?
    a. tell to plug'in user: your mails will be converted to a
    "uppercase letters" to be processed. Make your regex's filters
    accord this.
    b. in silence convert the expresions and mail texts to uppercase.
  - did you like see a regex's filter in vampire?
  ¿anyone knows a good regular expresions guide? please reply with the

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

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