Hello, Marck. 
You wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

MDP> Hi Alexey,

MDP> @3-Apr-2003, 02:05 +0700 (20:05 UK time) Alexey N. Vinogradov [ANV]
MDP> in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

MDP>>> I'd love to help, but I have not been able to install it. It
MDP>>> produces the attached error when I try.

O'k. To be correctly installed the filter must has file
с:\baesyan\regard.rbd which every user must generate for himself by
dictionary generating engine. (this path is absolute, it can't be
changed now).If this file doesn't exist or if it is impossible to open
it then the filter will report the error you show in attachment. In
this case you will found in с:\baesyan\baesyan.log the next:

 ------- New session log --------

 Initialization completed.
GetStatus called. Status is : 1
Deleting regarding base.. OK.

(In normally working filter Status is 0. Status became 1 if the filter
can't open regard.rbd. If this happens when you try to install the
filter then you just take the error from The Bat! (with the skinshot
you sent). If it happens during usual work then filter just stop
working and you can see in "preferences" of The Bat the word "error"
under column "status" near this filter).

Do you see such records in the log (the last session)?

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