Hello, Stefan.

You wrote 10.09.2003 @ 16:30  in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  using mailer The Bat! (v2.00.6)

And quite more comments :)

,----- [ from TBP_ExecMacro ]
| Template
| [in] Pointer to the Template Processor object; p. 5.3.3 specifies the list of
| property identifiers that could be used for setting and retrieving information.
| The Template::ExecuteMacro method can be used...

There are messing in syntax: Template::ExecuteMacro is not valid, because there
is no such typename - "Template". May be Template.ExecuteMacro or
Template->ExecuteMacro might be used here instead.

,----- [ The second part of 5.3.3 ]
| Integer and Boolean indexes (string data can be accessed by
| ITBPDataProvider::GetIntValue and ITBPDataProvider::SetIntValue).

May be not _string_, but _integer_ data "...can be accessed by..."

Then, in the same section, the descriptions of tpxRCR and tpxRRQ BOTH contain one and 
same text about
"Reading Confirmation". IMHO tpxRCR must be described in terms of "Receipt
Confirmation" instead.

Using TB 2.00.6 on WinXP Pro SP1 (2600), spelling by ORFO2002 (CSAPI) 
..with Kaspersky Antivirus Plugin (ver 3.5 Gold) & antispam filter BayesIt! 0.4em



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