Hello A and other TBTECHS,

On Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 04:00:59 GMT -0500 A . Curtis Martin wrote on
"! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading":

JL>> In my opinion, this could make short-cut reading of new messages
JL>> in threaded folders very troublesome.

ACM> Shortcut reading? Do you mean using CTRL+].

Yes. But I am on a danish keyboard with a different short-cut, and I didn't
rember the english short-cut :-)

ACM>  ACM> How would it make doing ACM> that more troublesome?

Like this:

JL>> One would almost *have* to turn on the header-view in order to
JL>> know which thread one was in when browsing long threads.

ACM> Nothing wrong with a header view only showing the subject.

Except that changes are high, that you wouldn't want to settle with this header
view in all folders and, thus, would need to change header view too often for
this to be an attractive solution - as it isn't possible to set header view per

JL>> Besides, it wouldn't solve the column problem any more than
JL>> letting "From" rather than "Subject" be the threaded column would
JL>> do - as far as I can tell.

ACM> It's a fallacy to think that using the 'From' rather than 'Subject'
ACM> column for threaded view, alleviates the problem with the increasing
ACM> column with. The 'From' column will increase in width at the same
ACM> absolute rate as the subject column.

You are absolutely right - my mistake!

ACM> I don't think anyone is saying that Agents style should be copied in it's
ACM> entirety. IMHO, there's elegance in showing the subject header once and
ACM> then using the space in the subject header column to thread the messages
ACM> using the 'From' name.

I agree - except for the above reservations, and, so, I still prefer TB's as it
is. Since TB has such wonderful options for controlling the number of columns,
it seems to me that the solution to the problem (to some degree, at least) lies
in dispensing with the columns that are not strictly needed. For instance, a lot
of mailing lists has only the name of the list in the to-field. Who needs it
then? And do you really need to know *both* time of creation and time of
receiving - both when in folder view *and* in the main view?

Best regards,

Jannik Lindquist

The Bat! Ver. 1.49
Windows 98 4 10 2222  A 

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