Hi, Marck.

On Saturday, June 15, 2002, 5:00:05 PM, you wrote:

> ,-----=[ From the TB Help "Template Macros" topic header ]
>   A special note about using macro parameters:

>   Macro parameters can be enclosed either in double quotes or
>   apostrophes. To use a double quote or apostrophe within a macro
>   parameter when the enclosing quote character is the same, use a pair
>   of the required character instead of a single one. E.g.: in
>   %MACRO='my "double quoted" text' the macro parameter is my "double
>   quoted" text ; it is also possible to use this construct instead:
>   %MACRO="my ""double quoted"" text" - note the doubled double quotes
>   inside the macro parameter.
> `----------------

Thanks for pointing this out to me. Actually, it makes sense to me
now, but I don't think it would have before. Unfortunately, this topic
is one that is VERY difficult to write about and make it

Keith Russell           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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