
While cleaning my templates, I found a monstrosity that I had posted
over a year ago[1].  Being somewhat bored, I couldn't live with that
inelegant solution, so here is the current version which lists an
arbitrary number of recipients.

[1] <http://www.mail-archive.com/tbtech@thebat.dutaint.com/msg00635.html>

====[QT recipient]====
%-%-%IF:'%TOLIST'<>'':'%TOLIST, ':''%-
%-%-%IF:'%CCLIST'<>'':'%CCLIST, ':''%-
%-%-%IF:'%BCCLIST'<>'':'%BCCLIST, ':''%-

====[QT recipient2]====
      Recipient List reformating routine.
      recipient2 = recursive engine QT
      Written by Januk Aggarwal
      June 2002

 Januk Aggarwal

Ok, who is General Relativity, and what did he do with Sir Newton?

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