Hi Marck,

On Monday, September 23, 2002 10:42 your local time, (15:27 my local
time), you [MDP] wrote:

[../contd from TBUDL: mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

MDP> It seems to me that This task has nothing to do with
MDP> justification. It is about indentation.

Yes, indentation was the word I was looking for ;)

MDP> You are not making your purpose clear - what are you trying to do

Actually, I am trying to indent the cookies to the center or right
side of the message area. This is the macro I use for my cookies:

%wrapped="%cookie='C:\Program Files\The Bat!\cookies.txt'"

MDP> ... we can either help you to achieve something like it (probably
MDP> best handled on tbtech) or maybe persuade you that it's not such
MDP> a good idea ;-)

preferably the former Marck :)

Be Well,                       Sudip Pokhrel
Sudip                          Kathmandu-NP.
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