Hello Mark,

MW> At the risk of getting into the religious wars here, let me say that I
MW> agree with you about Delphi (wonderful product) with the following
MW> caveat: I think Delphi encourages sloppy programming. To wit:

No, Delphi is a strong-typed object-oriented programming language! I
would say that Visual BASIC encourage sloppy programming.

MW> 1. variables can be used without previously declaring them. It's
MW> therefore much harder to catch typing errors since the compiler is
MW> quite happy accepting them and it's only at runtime that the errors
MW> are apparent. This creates enormous debugging headaches. Take it from
MW> one who has had to work with other people's code. I much prefer the
MW> strong typing of C++, letting the compiler do the work of catching my
MW> typing errors *before* the code runs.

?? No, you *must* declare variables (including consts, arrays etc) in
Delphi before using them, eg:

 UserName: String;
 i: Integer;

   // Your code!
I think you've the languages mix arround - Its Visual BASIC that
allow variables to be use before declaring. Delphi is very much
strong-typed just like C++. C++ is only a low-level language (requires
more programming code, good pointers handeling etc <g>)

MW> 2. variables myvariable1 and MyVariable1 and even mYvarIAbLe1 are all
MW> the same. Even Visual Basic won't let you get away with this. I use
MW> the compiler feature of VB to find typing errors for me in the
MW> following manner: I declare my variables in MixedCase. Then when I use
MW> the variables in my code I write them in lowercase. If I typed them in
MW> correctly the compiler will correct the case for me. Otherwise I know
MW> to look for a typing error.

Yes, This is a lack of Delphi. But still, its a much better language
than VB! VB makes highly use of ActiveX controls etc which require
distribution of a bunch of extra stuff (run-time DLLs, OCXs etc etc) even
more in VB.NET (the *huge* .NET runtime).

Kind Regards,

 Lennie De Villiers 02 Oct 2002                      

       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)

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