Recently, Luc squawked:

>  Look for my post on tbud.

Luc, I read through the posts you wrote and have two questions.

1.  how did you print-out or view the "filters" file --- where is it?

2.  your example required that you set the flag manually --- then the
filter would see it and work. In my example, a filter is fired that then
sets the flag on a particular message. AND is also supposed to "continue
processing" more rules. Near the end, there is a rule which looks if the
message is flagged --- which it WAS flagged by a previous rule --- yet it
misses this.

Does this mean that the message does not really get flagged UNTIL ALL of
the rules have finished --- and the next message is begun to be filtered?
I can believe this because that's the way it seems to appear here. The
message in question does get flagged --- I see the flag when all messages
have been filtered.


Robert  D.
The Bat! ver. 1.62/Beta7
Windows ME- 4.90 Build:3000.
IE 6.0 Sp1
PGP 6.5.8ckt 09b3
Kerio FW 3.0 Beta-3
Proxomitron 4.4
BoClean 4.10.004
Norton Sys Works Pro 2003

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