On Thu 5-Jun-03 4:59am-0400, Damien Marichal wrote:

> I apologize for the first mail, just an error from my part.

> Some email manager like Outlook put an space between "Re" and ":". The
> Bat! didn't count it like a reply.

> For example, the subject line is like this:
> Re : RE : Re: Re : RE: Hello World !

> When I reply to this mail, The Bat! put as subject:
> Re: Re : RE : Re: Re : RE: Hello World !

> And I would like to have:
> Re[6]: Hello World !

> So I want to know if it is possible to configure de Reply counter or
> if I need to configure every template with a regular expression ?

This is another good reason for The Bat! developers to add pre-inbox
filtering - something I've been asking for since I started using TB.

Your pre-inbox filter would just need to change, caseless, all hits of
`\bre\b\s+:` to `Re:` and, perhaps append (to a log file for this
filter) the pre and post subject lines.

Best regards,

"Religions are conclusions for which the
 facts of nature supply no major premises."
 [Ambrose Bierce, "Collected Works" (1912)]



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