I'm in process, almost certainly now, of migrating from Pegasus to TB!
 TB! seems way away best option.  (Anyone who wants to read or
 contribute to my account of why I'm moving, the options etc. can do
 so as I'm simultaneously experimenting with a Wiki.  URL is:

However, one thing that has emerged for me is the way in which I'm
sort of hostage to PM in that so much important information from the
last decade or so is stored in my folder hierarchy in memos and in the
linkage of the crucial PMI file data on "replied to", "forwarded", "memo
attached" etc.

However, as far as I can see, the TBI and TBB structure is also
proprietary and so would hold me hostage to TB! as much as I'm now
held by PM.  I think the long term solution is an open and extensible
standard for such files but meantime, any chance that TB! would set a
strong example and put the structure of TBI and TBB files into the

A related question: most of the information about PMI, PMM and memo
storage in PM is now in my hands.  If I had David Harris's permission
for you to do this, would you write something that would import PM
folder hierarchies, whole or in part?

I think that would clinch a lot of people migrating to TB!



Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy,
Rampton Hospital; R&D Directorships,
Tavistock & Portman and Nottinghamshire NHS Trusts;
Hon. SL Institute of Psychiatry
http://psyctc.org/ Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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