
maybe it's just too late, but I'm trying this now for some time... can
it be that a bug (or even a feature I don't understand?) breaks the
usage of %subpatt in %if?

on a message which has the line

        OS-AIX: AIX

I tried the following:

%%subpatt=+1+ is "%subpatt=+1+"
%%subpatt=+1+ is %IF:_%subpatt=+1+_="":_empty_:_not empty_

and got:

%subpatt=+1+ is "AIX"
%subpatt=+1+ is empty


- the regexp is working and greps the right thing
- the %if is working - if I change the operator to compare <>"" and
  change the strings accordinly, it gives the "correct" result, given
- %subpatt=+1+ within the %if always equals the empty string, though
  it should contain something

(I used '+' and '_' as separators to get a better readable code - it
also does NOT work with single and double quotes)

I also tried

%%subpatt=+1+ is %IF:_X%subpatt=+1+_="X":_empty_:_not empty_
%%subpatt=+1+ is %IF:_X%subpatt=+1+_<>"X":_NOT empty_:_empty_

both give

%subpatt=+1+ is empty

and I double checked:


and that got me - as expected -


what's wrong here? or how can I check if a %subpatt is empty or not in
another way to change my output accordingly?

kind regards, Shalom,
using TB 1.62 Christmas Edition



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