
My email provider provides an unlimted number of email boxes.  I
currently need to setup 24 for myself.  I am having trouble retrieving
mail from all my accounts at once (i.e. by using the "Tools -> Check
Mail for All" command).  The problem seems to be caused by the fact
that my email provider only allows 4 simultaneous connection to their
email server from the same IP.  I've tested this out by using the
/CHECK command in scripts and can produce this problem consistently
when I check more than 4 accounts at a time.  What happens during
these tests are that, the first 4 accounts will connect and retrieve
all mails successfully.  However, subsequent accounts would seem to
"get stuck", causing the Connection Center to hang indefinitely.  I
would then need to terminate the Connection Center by pressing the
abort button. Note that this error occurs whether I am connecting to
an IMAP or a POP3 server.  I've also tried using multiple /CHECK
commands in my script by specifying 4 accounts at a time but it did not
make any difference.  Currently, the only thing I can do is check each
account separately via mouseclicks or the F2 hotkey. Needless to say,
this is very inconvenient considering the number of accounts that I

Interestingly, I've tried this with the Pegasus email client (v4.11)
and had no problems.  Not sure why this is the case. Perhaps it
connects to and then disconnects from the server each time an account
is checked?

Any suggestions to overcome this problem will be greatly appreciated.

BTW, my email providing uses qmail on Linux.

Best regards,
 choppystride                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Bat! v1.62q Windows XP Pro v5.1 bld 2600 (Service Pack 1)



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