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Om 23:33 op maandag 1 december 2003, Peter Hillier-Brook:

JA>> The archives are publicly available via a website... All it takes is
JA>> a 'spider' or web crawler to hit the list archive page, and it'll
JA>> index everything on it. I don't believe the list moderators manage
JA>> the archives, it's done by another bunch of people. There is little
JA>> the moderators can do about it, and you're likely to find, even the
JA>> changes they could make are often ignored by most indexing spiders.

> I have no problem with the archives being available via the Web, however
> I don't think a "robots.txt" file would be too difficult to implement (I
> could offer some help if necessary). There is no obvious reason why
> spiders should be encouraged to crawl the archive site!

i'm sorry, but i beg to differ.

i can sum up countless configuration and other problems that i have solved
by putting some obvious keywords into google, ending up in the
mailinglist-archives of some program, and finding the answer to my
problems there. TB will not be an exception to that rule.

if you don't want your full-name in the archives, then mail as 'PHB' or
somesuch. just make a quick template that changes your From: and Reply-To:
and remember to use that every time you mail here :)

(folder templates, anyone? *evil grin*)

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