Hello Norbert,

CW>> The same happens if I delete and set it up as a new account again.
CW>> Anyone else had the same problem ?
NL> no - I'm using exactly the same surrounding - I have about 20 accounts
NL> running with no problem - and I just checked: even if I make another
NL> one, change the pop server entry, close down TB, restart it... it's
NL> as it should be (the changed pop server setting still there)

Hmmm ok thanks for the reply - bit of an odd one this then :-}

Mine keeps the server, login and p/word but only as long as TB remains
open - closing it down and reopening it loses them again...

NL> maybe an active virus scanner or some other security software which
NL> inhibits changes on *.cfg files?

Not that I know of, but i`ll check it out - I don`t think I have
anything in there that I need to keep hold of, so I might delete it
and re-import it from a backup, see if that retains the data as i`d

Best regards,
 Colin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



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