Hello bats,

on Tue, 13. Apr 2004 at 13:49:10 -0700 Januk Aggarwal wrote:

> If not, I'll write my own, but I thought I'd check here before wasting
> the hour or two.

I have not exactly what you're looking for, but this is sth that I've
put up to kill %FROMADDR from the recipient list (TO + CC) - useful when
I reply-to-all and don't want to send it also to myself:

%REM="___kill %FROMADDR from CCLIST; for reply-to-all____"%-

GnuPG/PGP key: http://thequod.de/danielhahler.asc
lifted with The Bat! 2.05 Beta/14 on Windows XP Service Pack 1.



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