Hello Lars!

On Monday, August 23, 2004 at 11:21:51 PM you wrote:

> Most of these should be simple to correct.

How do you know?

> But they would have a huge impact on the usebility. I don't
> understand, why the developers of The Bat so easliy turn away new
> customers.

Because they try to please every...one complaining and asking to
include his specific pet peeve?

Currently two things urgently need to be done: IMAP and the new
filtering system. Everything else, to me, seems third priority. Then,
some of your "fed ups" are simply personal preferences (I, for one,
have no trouble with MicroEd, never had after Marck years ago told me
why the cursor behaves differently to older Word versions).

BTW, isn't this TBTECH? Shouldn't "fed up" complaints haunt TBUDL?

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

The Bat 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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