I just noticed that I received the "Re: Moving off" message by Dierk on
Septwember 4, but _never_ received the original "Moving off" message by Jan
Rifkinson. I received it on TBUDL though. For the record, I seem to have
received just fine all the other messages from TBTECH immediately before
and after that one. Jan seems to have sent the message in question to TBUDL
and CCed it to TBBETA, and probably sent a separate copy to TBTECH (which I
have never got as I have already said, but I see it in the list archive at
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04338.html ).

I suspect it might have something to do with my ISP's excessive "spam
blocking". (RANT MODE ON. Sigh... They kept blocking all SMTP servers of
the _whole_ comcast.net domain for two months _silently_. Not just
rejecting mail sessions, but simply blocked them by a firewall. "We were
getting tons of spam from there", etc. I found it just by chance, when it
turned out that I could not receive a (quite important) message from my
colleague who is @comcast.net... Sent a message to ukr.nodes, where most
Ukrainian ISPs' admins did not see that as a problem. I almost start crying
from time to time: "Let me read my 'spam', please!" RANT MODE OFF)

However, before I start checking with them, somebody may give another idea
of what happened. Any advice appreciated.


Maksym Kozub        (+380 44)424-1792(tel./fax), (+380 67)466-5174(mob.)
Translations/Interpreting/Editing (English, Polish - Ukrainian, Russian)
MK881-UANIC       http://kozub.in.ua      [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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