Peter wrote:

MK>> Jan seems to have sent the message in question to TBUDL and CCed it to
MK>> TBBETA, and probably sent a separate copy to TBTECH

PO> Probably using the BCC field. The TO and CC fields are the same as on
PO> the TBUDL and TBBETA list.

Maybe, but still unclear why you recieved it, while I and Miguel have not.

MK>> I suspect it might have something to do with my ISP's excessive
MK>> "spam blocking". (RANT MODE ON. Sigh... They kept blocking all SMTP
MK>> servers ...... RANT MODE OFF)

PO> There are discussions that ISPs should start automatic filtering /
PO> deleting spam msgs in order to, as they call it, protect the internet
PO> users from unwanted email. (duh...)

They started such things here long ago. Big, well-known ISPs, as well as
smaller ones. What they say is usually something like "There are 99% of
stupid users who cannot protect themselves against spam, and they
appreciate what we do. You are an unhappy 1%, and for $30 you pay for
dial-up access, nobody will tune up the filters individually. That's OK for
mass-scale service", etc.

Maksym Kozub        (+380 44)424-1792(tel./fax), (+380 67)466-5174(mob.)
Translations/Interpreting/Editing (English, Polish - Ukrainian, Russian)


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