Hello Mark,

FOA, thanks for your response.

> You might want to look into NOD32 or another AV solution

Well, actually, I don't want to buy another AV solution. NAV works
just fine with most e-mail clients. Seems kind of silly to buy another
product B due to product A's bugs. And, I don't know that my version
of TB! would do any better with any other AV product.

> I don't usually try to exit while TB is in the process of retrieving
> mail.

I don't either. I've already found that when the TB! Connection Centre
hangs, it *never* completes message reception. I have *no choice* but
to perform a hard reset.

> TB is in a locked thread

It's TB! that's locking the damned thread and it's inexcusable that it
never times out.

> ... TB can't shut down because it's waiting for Norton to relinquish
> its hold on a process that TB has no control over.

Of course TB! has control over it. It just needs to time out, let go,
complain with an error message and retry later. After all, that's
essentially what happens when I perform a hard reset. (Asking W2K to
reboot via Start, Shut Down..., Restart does *not* work.) A hard reset
ain't magic; it just stops all tasks whether they're ready or not. If
I can restore control via a hard reset, TB! can _certainly_ do
something better programmatically.

> Decreasing the frequency of mail checking might improve things.

I check every 10 minutes. IMHO, the checking frequency has *nothing*
to do with the problem. In almost every case, TB! hangs after resuming
from S3 standby (standby-to-RAM) if and only if I neglect to first
resume my broadband connection by browsing to some external site.

This is a _deplorable_ problem for an e-mail client under an NT-type
system. I've been using W2K since mid-2000. The *only* times I've ever
rebooted to kill a task were due to this TB! bug.

regards, Andy

[Using The Bat! 1.62r under Windows 2000 Pro SP4
 on a "made from scratch" P4-2.4 GHz/512 MB RAM]



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