Hallo tom,

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 03:13:18 -0500GMT (30-10-2004, 10:13 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

T> The basic idea is I have a free learn to play guitar email course, that I
T> want to send out to subscribers over a period of days.  There are 7
T> lessons and ideally each lesson would get sent one per day.  As new
T> students come on aboard they start with lesson one and progress up to
T> seven.

Create seven AB groups (let's call them lesson1-7)
Create a filter that sends an autoresponder to new subscribers of your
course saying something like "Welcome, you'll get your free lessons
seven days on a row around 17:00 -0500 GMT" and puts the subscriber
address in AB group lesson1.
Create seven outgoing filters that check for outgoing lessons and
delete the addresses from AB group lesson1 and insert them into
lesson2 when they get lesson1. When you're sending them lesson2,
you'll have move them one up, but I guess you've got the idea.

Now create a batch file (when you're not familiar with batch files see
http://gatsby.tafe.tas.edu.au/batch/) called guitarschool.bat
Insert seven commands like:
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe /mailU=MyAccount;T=c:\guitarschool\lesson1.txt

Create seven lessonX.txt files
Those seven text files are to be setup as templates, you set yourself
as to address, you bcc it to your correct AB group, you set a proper
subject and you include the lesson in it.

Now you create a task in the Windows Scheduler that executes the
guitarschool.bat every day at 17:00 (or whatever time you prefer, just
mention that time in your first autoresponder)

As it is bad form to send messages to multiple people not knowing each
other in such a way that they can see each other's addresses, I
advised your own address in the to header and the other addresses in
bcc, this means you'll receive seven lessons every day, so you'd
better create an incoming filter that deletes them.
As you're sending your seven messages every day, I can imagine that
after a while (when you've checked that your setup works) you
configure your outgoing filters such that they delete the lessons too.

When you would be using a more recent version of TB you could have
done without the batch file and changed the external templates with
quick templates, since you could've used TB's internal scheduler, but
a setup like above should work.

Play around with this.

BTW As you're using TB 1.61 I feel obliged to say that while TB has
marched on till you can still use 1.62r on the same license
as you've got and that version is still available for download at:

Groetjes, Roelof

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." - Robert A.Heinlein

The Bat! Rush
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN



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