Something happened to the bat! to me last night when my laptop powered
down - it's all higgledy piggledy.

Most of the folders are okay, but:

1. a couple folders (including the "inbox" folders on two accounts)
were corrupted. The Bat! gave me the error message, and kept asking me
if I wanted to fix them, I kept saying "yes", and it would say it was
doing something, but it never actually did anything and just sat there
with that maintenance window showing no progress or anything
happening. Very annoying.

2. At least one folder is corrupted (though The Bat! does not tell me
that it is so), because a whole slew of old messages in that folder
(and two new messages from today) have, in the message list window,
lost their subject lines, and have a creation and receive date of Dec.
30, 1899. The messages themselves still have subject lines and the
correct dates in the headers; they're just being shown stupidly in the
message list window. I tried maintenance on that folder, and The Bat!
told me that nothing needs to be done.

3. A number of folders now refuse to allow me to delete any messages.
Doesn't matter if I delete by clicking the trash can icon, or use the
"del" key, or right click on "delete message".

Anyone have any idea on what's happening and how I can fix it? This is
really, really obnoxiously bothersome.

I'm using version 2.12.00

Thanks in advance!

Written Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 11:08:18 PM

Certainly virtue is like precious odours, most fragrant when they are
incensed, or crushed: for prosperity doth best discover vice, but
adversity doth best discover virtue. - Francis Bacon, essayist,
philosopher, and statesman (1561-1626)


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