Wednesday, November 03, 1999

Hello Alexander,

Wednesday, Wednesday, November 03, 1999, you wrote:

Alexander> Hi there!

Alexander> On 2 Nov 99, at 0:59, Christopher J. Trybowski wrote
Alexander>     about "Re: OT: Computer Philosophy (was: R":

>> > Before  the  crash  he  had  1  primary  and 1 extended partition, 2
>> > logicals on the latter. After the crash, he had only *one* (primary)
>> > partition.  The rest of the partitions just perished. The data lost.
>> > On  the  primary  partition that seemed to survive all the data *but
>> > windows  and office* was trashed, too.
>> Did  he  really lost everything? AFAIK Windows sometimes messes up the
>> partition table, but it is reversible (after longer or shorter time of
>> calculating new one manually)...

Alexander> He's a dumb, I told you:-) He couldn't see his data, *then* the 
Alexander> second thing he did was formatting his HDD. If *i* were there, I 
Alexander> would save (at least, almost) all he had their. Windows never 
Alexander> wipes what it deletes. Direct disk editing could help, of course:-)
Tiramisu... does miracles... But second and third partitions need some
calculations to give it a decent starting point.

Alexander> BTW, I'm not sure this message will be ever distributed to the 
Alexander> list: I'm getting some odd problems with my subscription 
Alexander> recently:-((
 it got there. But anyway formatted or not, one can still get the data
 of in most cases as long as you donot write data back to the drive
 and even then data can still be recovered...

Alexander> SY, Alex
Alexander> (St.Petersburg, Russia)

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36 


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