Hello Oliver & all fellow TBUDL members,

Monday, November 15, 1999, 12:54:52 PM, you wrote:

OS> Well,  what  you  are  describing works for me. I have three accounts.
OS> Now,  when  I put the mail address that usually belongs to account one
OS> into  the identity/sender (or whatever exactly in english) field for a
OS> folder  in  another  account,  every  mail  I create while having that
OS> folder  active has that address as sender. Hm, long sentence... hope I
OS> made myself clear ;)

OS> Oliver Sturm

Crystal clear and thank you for confirming that I did what I should
have done. I *haven't* actually sent a reply yet from this folder, so
I'll do so now. Done. I sent myself a message from that account saying
"Test of which account the mail is shown to come from" and will check
it now to see how it arrived.

Meanwhile, I can say 2 things: The options indicates that the active
account is the account where the folder is and not the account I want
to be shown as the active account. Also, keying F2 brings in mail for
the account where the folder is located and not the account the mail
to me was directed to.

Now we'll see what arrived:

**Oliver was right!**

The rest of it doesn't matter. In practice, the other account IS shown
as the sending account.

It appears I should have actually tried it, in spite of the other
indicators to the contrary.

Lesson learned, and TBUDL proved it's worth once more.

Thanks to Oliver and all that responded on the other issue (the
ticker), which *was* as suspected.


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