Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Hello Wolfgang,

Tuesday, Tuesday, November 16, 1999, you wrote:

Wolfgang> Hi tracer,

Wolfgang> While having a shower this morning I decided that it is the
Wolfgang> graphics card driver. I'll test that on sunday (don't have
Wolfgang> access to my new pc before that :-( ).
wouldnt you need another test video card???

Wolfgang> BTW, the shower is an excellent place to solve computing
Wolfgang> problems ;-)
I often had my best ideas in the small room next to it (g)
The ONLY place where one is guaranteed private and free to

t>> One question though, you run 98 v2, is that the USA or German version.
t>> I had serious problems with a system where the german v2 plainly
t>> refused to run properly on one of the computers we had. Customer in
t>> the end had to settle for the USA windows...

Wolfgang> German version. But TB runs un this Windows version on a quite
Wolfgang> old PC with a Pentium 66 Mhz.
Well, we had serious problems with that German98 v2.
Celeron systems though...

Wolfgang> Regards,
Wolfgang> Wolfgang

Wolfgang> Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists

Wolfgang> Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 95 4.0 Build 1111  B
Wolfgang> in Darmstadt, Germany,
Wolfgang> on a 166Mhz Cyrix, 128MB SDRAM, half SCSI system ;-)

Wolfgang> http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/wky/

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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