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  Well, after reading the almost 40 messages generated to reply to my
question I have gotten answers to most of my questions and have
realized that this thread begs me to learn how to setup a kill file.
Steve may be very knowledgeable but he is counter productive to this
list as far as I can tell.
  I'd like to note that almost 25% of the emails that followed the
thread I started with no subject, were from Steve and the amazing
is he not only did NOT help me resolve any of my problems but he also
managed to alienate a fairly large group of people including any
newbie that might be watching.
  I'm an old timer too and there is always a Steve around to bugger
things up, it appears to be their joy in life.  My solution?  By the
time he can reply to this all his messages to me will be heading
straight to the bitbucket without review.
  After having read the thread, I still think it makes sense that if
fill in the To: field via address book or via %TO macro the cursor
should be at the next blank field or the Subject field.  I rarely use
the CC or BCC field but I may be unusual in this.  *shrug*
  Thank you for suggesting the %cookie="path/to/file", that is the
solution I was hoping to find, it's a shame I was unable to find that
in the documentation or even in the list of macros that are presented
via the right click.
  I would still like to find a keystroke that is convenient
(Ctrl-anything is less than convenient) to simply walk through all of
my messages letting my emailer find the next message even changing
folders if all messages in the current folder are read.  This is a
functionality that I have assumed to be in all mail programs that are
also being used for news or list reading, in pine for example it is
space, in elm it's space, in Becky it is space, in tin it is space,
Netscape it is space... I'm beginning to think that space would be a
good key to assign to this task.  Of course it should be a
configurable option for those of you that prefer not to have this
feature.  If you really want to have a well loved program make all
keys configurable, everyone is different so you will NEVER find "the
right" key assignments without permitting the user to choose on a
by case basis.  I'm more interested in the additional functionality
than what key is used.
  Ooops, am I allowed to make suggestions?  Steve?
  I appreciate those who attempted to defend my right to ask a
question or even *gasp* make a suggestion despite Steve's
protestations but in the future you can just ignore his replies to
I know I will.  8^)
  Thanks again to all who attempted to help.

Thursday, November 18, 1999, 10:11:47 AM, Steve wrote:
> Wednesday, November 17, 1999, 10:11:31 PM, Thomas wrote:
>> Does anybody second the motion, so we can put it on the
>> (mysterious, as never seen or published) wish-list?  

>     No.  Because it works as expected.  Quite frankly, I just shook
> my head and sighed when I saw your initial message because, well,
> it was idiotic.  Of course a new message is going to have you enter
> the header information first. MUAs have been doing this since there
> *have* been MUAs.  To change that behavior for your personal whims
> would be to break expected behavior for the benefit minuscule
> minority of one...  you.  

- - -- 
        Watcher aka Bill DeVos |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         http://www.aack.net/  | http://www.aack.net/watcher
- -
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Put knot yore trust inn spel chequers
- -
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