Monday, November 22, 1999, 5:23:01 PM, Alexander wrote:
>> The text editor would then not implement a spell check but,

> The only programs under WinDOS that do exactly this (but 
> leave no choice to the users) is... guess what? Office+Outlook:-
> )

    Quite the contrary, PMMail.  ;)

>> This would free up time for the authors of the mail client to
>> work on the mail client instead of reimplementing an editor

> In theory, I'm on your side. But this is all Linux ideology, and 
> that's why Linux is great. But we live under WinDOS here:-(((

    In theory it is great and in practice it is, too.  Sure, we live in WinDOS
here but it doesn't mean we cannot take the high points of the other world and
incorporate them here.  Like I said, I like how TB! and PMMail handle multiple
accounts.  There is nothing as elegant and power in the Unix world.  I'm
certainly not one to sit on that side of the fence and say "Hey, that's great
in Windows, but we live under Linux."

>>     In unix the problem is that most, if not all, of the clients implement too
>> little.  Hardly any clients are as capable as TB! and PMMail98 on checking
>> multiple, separate accounts.  

> With IMAP you needn't it at all (when under Linux). Take Mutt, and voila!

    Take mutt and do what?  Btw, you might want to check the many, MANY posts
I've made on the topic on before answering that.  Chances are,
I've already addressed what you may me thinking of several times over.
Needless to say, mutt, while an excellent single-user, single-account MUA is
utterly outclassed compared to PMMail/TB! when it comes to multiple accounts.

> And now go and check the url I've provided above:-) But under
> WinDOS this won't help you a lot, will it? 

    Cool, postie.  Actually, I used postie to send out turns for a Stars! game
that I hosted quite a while ago.  That and a batch file was all I need to send
out news postings and turn files for my game of 5-6 people.  One could do a
lot with postie and perl if one was so inclined.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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