Hi there!

On 28 Nov 99, at 8:38, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote
    about "Re[2]: nws attachments":

> >> AVK> MIME-attach an example of such message, and let's see:-))
> AVK> And what? The message was pretty well opened here with beta 2. No
> AVK> problem at all other then the (naturally) the stupidity of the
> AVK> AOL users:-))
> I  think  this  may  be affected by registered file types. If .nws and
> .msg  files are not registered as text / plain or RFC822 message types
> then  TB  won't open them automatically. Anyone know chapter and verse
> on this?

Well, I haven't *.msg registered at all on my system, just 
checked. *.nws is registered as "Internet News Message" (?!?). 
I couldn't figure out, why the hell TB would give the attached 
RFC822 messages *this* extension? It would be more logical 
IMHO if it was *.eml, which is registered on my system as 
"Internet Mail message":-))

So as for your question it seems to me that it doesn't really 
matter whether these extensions are registered on the system 
or not; TB would open these as regular messages anyhow.

> AVK> The way it forwards the messages is set up in Account properties
> AVK> (Templates-->Forward-->MME forwarding). This way some TB users
> AVK> might well end up sending the crap like you supplied (simple:
> AVK> just check that checkbox, and you're done!), BUT the users (like
> AVK> me) who _need_ to have an ability to MIME-forward
> AVK> _this_or_that_message_only_ cannot do so (every now and then you
> AVK> need to goto Account properties, set the option, then, after
> AVK> you've forwarded what you wanted, again the same procedure in the
> AVK> reverse order...).
> I agree that this is inconvenient, but TB does it slightly differently
> enabling  a  different  work-around. I leave MIME forwarding turned on
> and  when  I forward a message I get both quoted text and the attached
> version. I then delete the one I didn't really want.

Yup, but then you cannot make a template saying something 
"The message(s) from .... are to be found in the attachment to 
this one".

> I'm not saying this is right, because it is not, just how I handle it.
> Account  properties  is  not  the  place for this setting. It is not a
> folder  property  either  -  it  is  the property *only* of a specific
> message IMHO.

This is my own point also; that's why I'm "remembering" the 
problem discussed from time to time on this mailing list:-)

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  At least fifty percent of the human race doesn't want their
  mother-in-law within walking distance.
                   ---Margaret Mead's Law of Human Migration

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