Hello Leif Gregory,

On Friday, December 03, 1999, 17:55:43 (GMT +07:00) you told us:

LG> I  think  you are forgetting something though. The message sent to
LG> the  list had Happy99.exe UUencoded, therefore a separate file was
LG> not  saved  to the attach directory. If you want to see NAV go red
LG> with  warnings, right click the Happy99.exe file in the e-mail and
LG> try  to  save  it  (provided you have auto-protect enabled. I not,
LG> then save the file and then scan the directory.)

Sorry Leif, I have other opinion.
AFAIK   Happy99.exe   is  a  Trojan  Virus (Hoax ?), which infected to
mailer  with MAPI capable such Outlook97/98/2000, Outlook Express 4/5,
Exchange  Client.  Luckyly The Bat! not MAPI capable, yet; in the next
version if The Bat! have MAPI capability, we also must aware with this
kind  of  viruses (Mike not use The Bat! at the first time sending msg
with Happy99.exe)

Trojan  or  hoax viruses can't be detected by "common anti virus" such
McAfee or NAV, just like "macro viruses" it's need special treatment.

There   are   a   lot   of   Happy99.exe  anti  virus  removement  at

J>> Just to keep us on our toes, Norton has failed to identify the
J>> Happy99/SKA attachment, even with up to date definitions. I checked
J>> to be sure that the definitions contained the information and then
J>> ran NAV, which scanned right past the worm. I also updated the
J>> definitions on the assumption that there might be something flaky
J>> about the definition. NAV still missed it. So, we might want to be
J>> very cautious about depending on NAV.

Take  a  look Symantec homepage, perhaps there is a clue how to detect
Trojan/Hoax Viruses such Happy99, Melissa, Worm, ExplorerZip etc.

- syafril -

Name    : Syafril Hermansyah     | Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama 
Mailto  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600            
URL     : www.dutaint.co.id      | FAX     : (62) (21) 351-9241  

I am using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/5 (reg) under
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 built 1381, Service Pack 6

Created : Friday, December 03, 1999, 18:33:48 (GMT + 07:00)

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