Does  anyone know if there is a way to make the British Dictionary the
default  Dictionary  for  TB?  I've  got  Word  2000 installed, but TB
doesn't  seem  to  recognise  it,  and  the built-in Dictionary in TB
underlines  in  red,  every  single word I type... it acts as if there
isn't one word in it's database.

I've  imported British.tlx from Eudora, but I'm wondering if I have to
import  British.clx  as  well?  I'd  much  rather  choose  the British
Dictionary  that the help file tells me comes with the Program, but as
I said, there doesn't seem to be any words in it's database. I seem to
be  able  to  choose my British Dictionary I imported from Eudora, but
only  on  a  message to message basis... I cannot seem to set it up as
the default.

Any  help  greatly  appreciated...  or  help  pointing me in the right



N.J. (Nick) Andriash
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