On Wednesday 5 January 2000 Markus Gloede wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 05, 2000, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:
>> Right click on the toolbar for the AAV window and select 'Always on
>> top'.

> The remaining problem is that in this case 'Always' really means
> always, no  matter if the Bat! itself is minimized or in the
> background (doesn't have the focus). :(

Yes - I commented on this a while back. The justification given then
was that some people leave The Bat!'s main window permanently
minimized, and use the Mail Ticker window along with stand-alone
message windows to read mail, rather than reading in the main window's
preview pane (as I do).

It would be real nice if The Bat! supported both techniques!

you gave me something that i could touch in a world where i'd had too much
something i could feel with my broken hands full of lost ideals but soon i'm
returning to you my friend and we'll go where the rivers end in the silver sea
and i'll carry you if you carry me

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