Hello TBUDL,

On Thursday, January 06, 2000, , Carsten Dreesbach wrote:

FL>> - i didn't find a way to download only "small" mails, yet to keep the
FL>> bigger ones on the server. using "the bat!", i can let the big mails
FL>> delete on the server, which isn't what i want to do. i used pmmail
FL>> before "the bat!" - if there was a 2meg-mail waiting for me on the
FL>> server, the mailer downloaded only the header and i could choose
FL>> whether to download it or to do something else. with "the bat!", i can
FL>> only let big mails delete automatically. right? :-|
> You  can  use  the  Message  Dispatcher  -  that  should be able to do
> everything you want.
I Have the same problem with that. The message dispatcher is not what
I want because if I log on the net to receive my mails I dont want to
spend too much time (I dont have that time available). Today I
received 189 messages at 6 pm. if I had received a letter containing
500k attachment then it takes about 5 minutes to get it. (plusz 5
minutes for the other letters) For mail d. it takes 2 minutes to
receive the headers and it takes me 2 minutes to consider which
messages to download. That is too much  :( And then I would receive
those big messages at night. (cheaper)

FL>> - "the bat!" is getting sooooooooo awfully slow when having "big"
FL>> folders, i.a. folders with >5000 mails. my "sent"- and "trash"-folders
FL>> have to be purged+compressed almost daily to avoid minutes of waiting at
FL>> the next start-up. :-|
> Wow, and I thought _I_ had lotsa e-mails coming in every day! ;]
I have this problem also. (I have about 16000 mails)

These are the things I don't like about TB!.


Windisch Gergely
Using The Bat! 1.36

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