Hi Mark -

Monday, January 10, 2000, 7:06:44 PM, you wrote:

MA> Yes ,exactly  a choice of one, TB really cannot compete with the "all
MA> in one "  no-brainer LookOut type appz they should stick with what they
MA> are good at, they have a niche market of users who appreciate a mostly
MA> RFC  compliant  client which does not attempt to be "all things to all
MA> people".  If  you  try  to  do  that you end up with the lowest common
MA> denominator,  and might as well use LookOut. I appreciate that RIT are
MA> a  business,  and should try to maximize their user base, but they are
MA> on   a  hiding  to  nothing  competing with LookOut and Eudora so they
MA> would be better off keeping their niche market happy (i.e. most people
MA> on  this  list).  Their "natural" market is the new Linux user looking
MA> for something more friendly than Fetchmail/Sendmail et al, as you have
MA> pointed out in the past there is nothing currently in Linux that meets
MA> the needs of a user with multiple ISP accounts. XFMail comes close but
MA> the interface needs work, and xforms are not Open Source AFAIK.

I don't think they should try to be an all-in-one solution either, but I really
like the idea of having a newsreader created by the team that created a very
unique and very cool e-mail client.   :)

I don't have any idea how much code it is going to add, but I'm all for adding
the functionality of newsreading to the current program, and adding more
functionality via plug-ins.

These guys would have to completely loose it to reach the bloat and uselessness
of lookout.

Mark Worsham                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plano, TX  USA

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